
Sweetarts Ropes Cherry Punch – 5oz Fashion


SKU: US-6675098271803 Category: Tags: ,

Sweetarts Ropes Cherry Punch – 5oz

Scrumpdiddlyicious Sweetarts

Make life a bowl of cherries with the Sweetarts Ropes Cherry Punch.

This Wonka-inspired candy is ready, willing and able to induce those sweet scrumpdiddlyicious flavours!
Reminiscent of your favourite Sweetarts Candy these ropes echo that tangy taste but in a softer version. The outside layer is coated with a cherry-tasting layer and the middle is filled with a luscious cherry filling.
Made to impress, each bite is tender and chewy and hits that cherry flavour perfectly. 
Make it a magical  Willy Wonka candy day with the sensational taste of the Sweetarts Ropes Cherry Punch!

5 oz

Sweetarts Ropes Cherry Punch - 5oz